Transylvanian Transformation Have you been noticing a change in your child? It's the season of transformation. There's the backwoods wolf-bite that'll cause a child to howl on the full moon and grow bristly when the sun goes down. Your little vampire won't be howling like a werewolf or moaning like a zombie. At worst, they're going to want you to install a chandelier in their room and redo their comforters in velvet upholstery. No unreliable hook and loop strips to depend on, a metallic hook will make your child's look secure no matter how much your child is swaggering and swooping around. Style With a Bite It won't be long until you begin to enjoy having a vampire around the house. Your home soundtrack will be rich with dramatic organ music. Maybe your kid won't even want a puppy anymore now that they've got a flock of bats living in their room. Who knew a vampire transformation could be so much fun!